Don’t Wait for Spring Green - The Time to Photograph is Always Now!

Don’t Wait for Spring Green - The Time to Photograph is Always Now!

Words and Images by Jerred Zegelis

I get it.

The weather is getting warmer. The days are longer. Soon the world will be waking up, becoming green, and inviting you to get outside more to take photographs.

However, the BEST time to take photographs is always: right now.

So go outside and focus on the details of the world JUST before it starts to come back to life.

Some tips: texture is very important right now. The leaves and grasses have a special quality that, at first glance, might not be that interesting. However, get closer and you’ll see some amazing details out there, like the hints of red within these leaves:

red leaves dried with texture goodnessSony A7iv - Sigma 85mm f/1.4 Art 

Also look for patterns and shapes. Pleasing compositions can be found almost anywhere, such as a parking lot at Zorinsky lake, just down the street. This photo was taken in nearly full sun, casting strong light throughout the scene but highlighting the circular patterns here:

Curled dead grass in the lightSony A7IV - Sigma 85mm f/1.4 Art 

Pro tip: open up your aperture as large as it will go, zoom all the way in if you are using a kit lens, and get as close as possible. This will allow you to focus on one or two details by blurring the foreground and background.

skeletons of summer's flowers

Sony A7IV - Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art 

Single yellow leaf on a branchSony A7IV - Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art

yellow grassSony A7iv - Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art

Yellow leaves on a branchSony A7iv - Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art

The world is beautiful and ready for you to capture. Just get close and find interesting things, no matter the time of year!

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