Rockbrook Camera EDU

One-on-One Photography Classes

Looking for a photography lesson tailored just for you? Our Rockbrook Camera instructors are here to create a customized learning experience that fits your skill level, pace, and goals.

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Meet Our Team:

Learn more about our instructors and their areas of expertise below. In addition to knowing camera settings, each person brings unique skills to help you grow as a photographer. Once you find the right fit, reach out to us to schedule a personalized session at a time that works for you!

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How To Schedule:

Email your prefered instructor
and they'll respond within 48 hours. Please schedule a week or more in advance.

You may also schedule over the phone:
Omaha 402-691-0003
Lincoln 402-488-4200

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One-on-one classes are $100
per one hour session.

Sessions are held in-person at our Omaha and Lincoln locations Monday thru Saturday.

Omaha Store

168th & West Center

Omaha Store

Email our teachers directly to schedule or call 402-691-0003 to reserve over the phone.

Lincoln Store

70th & Pioneers

Lincoln Store

Email our teachers directly to schedule or call 402-488-4200 to reserve over the phone.